Save Merrimack Schools

This page is for Merrimack, NH community members who want to understand the school budget process and how you can stay up to date and be involved.
About Us
Save Merrimack Schools is a non-partisan group of community members across political parties who are dedicated to ensuring the continuous support for education in our community.
Through advocacy and awareness, we strive to protect Merrimack's schools which currently provide an appropriate public education to all students. This is a call-to-action to help safeguard the educational opportunities for current and future generations.

Merrimack Values
Save Merrimack Schools supports:
Teachers, Para educators, and all other MSD staff
All students, including those with disabilities
Academic excellence
The arts, athletics, & extracurricular activities
Save Merrimack Schools Concerns
A group is pushing an extremist national agenda to defund public education and forcing everyone to pay for private school or homeschool.
Multimillion dollar cuts to the budget would:
· Increase classroom sizes
· Require staffing cuts
· Eliminate athletics
· Decrease test scores
· Impact transportation

Merrimack School District Budget
Deliberative Session

MSD Deliberative Session:
· Town Hall style meeting where registered voters decide as a voting body on how presented articles will appear on the April ballot
· Any resident can motion to change a warrant article, to include the operating budget.
· If the motion is seconded, discussion ensues, and when the question is called, the voters decide by show of hands (vote) if the article (or amended article) passes onto the ballot.
· At this meeting the school budget can get cut as low as $1 or increased by no more than 10%.
Be Prepared:
It is vital you are able to stay until the meeting is adjourned!
Anticipate a long night and get a babysitter. Bring snacks! Kids are welcome, but know how your child(ren) react to large crowds, a lot of noise at times, and staying up past their bed time.
Register to vote prior to Tues, 3/4.
This meeting will draw a large crowd; expect limited parking and a long line to get your voting card as you enter the JMUES APR. Have your ID out and present it to a volunteer in order to get a voting card. When a vote is called you will raise this card to vote (reference the above picture of a past MSD Deliberative Session). If a secret ballot vote is called, there will be ballots which you vote as you would in the voting booth at your polling location.
Merrimack Budget Meetings
Merrimack Property Tax
Merrimack TV has created this overview on Merrimack's budget, deliberative session, and voting.